Sunday, June 1, 2008

We Can't Stop Here, This is Marmot Country...

I have returned from the Okanagan, and I am pleased to announce that my skin tone has gone from "Anemic" to "Slightly Anemic". Success!

Wine tasting is pretty sweet, as it turns out. I didn't know if I'd be a huge fan but it was like, "Would you like to have some free alcohol..followed by more free alcohol...and we'll finish it up with a nice glass of free alcohol?". I don't really weigh enough to support this activity for more than an hour or so, so I may or may not have ended up running around the Naramata hillside hunting Marmots, which happen to be fucking cute.


I kind of want to go see Crystal Castles at 1/2 Alive but I just spent a boatload of money on a vacation. Humm...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! You're "too cool for school!"