Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend Roundup

In order of ridiculousness:

1. High heels for your 6 month old. I don't know what's worse, that they're heels for infants or that they're called, "Heelarious". Sickening. Just sickening.

2. I feel as though I'm sort of asleep at the wheel on this one, but I just noticed that there was a whole ton of Cauls on the runway at Alexander McQueen. Cauls...really? Can't be too surprised with McQueen however.

3. This picture:

On Saturday night I was able to catch Curtis Santiago with Empire Alley at the Media Club, accompanied by some other acts I don't remember the names of. It ended up being a great show despite the lackluster attendance. I was thinking that Santiago might bring out more peeps, he definitely deserves a larger fan base.

Huge BBQ's are great when you have no food in the fridge, thing is crammed with leftovers now. Thanks everyone for leaving your food. Mighty nice of you considering the prospect of water and a tin of Superstore brand black olives for both lunch and dinner wasn't very appetizing. So thanks again.

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