Saturday, December 20, 2008

Everyone is talking about it...

This Story

Gregor's response was inspiring, two new shelters already. I had no idea homeless people were given an allowance every month, that was aimed for shelter...yet even on nights where our temp is dipping to -25 with windchill they choose to be outside. Have they spent that money elsewhere? Shelter vouchers for the win.

The cart thing. This is interesting, because I don't think the regulation is in place to prevent any person seeking shelter from bringing what little they do own in with them overnight. This is a space issue. People over carts. Put your shit in a backpack, and get inside. Some people have this really preachy angle on this, that they own nothing and how would you like to leave your precious things outside to possibly be stolen etc. I am going to go ahead and doubt that their valuables couldn't fit nicely into a duffle bag, leave the other materials etc that they gather outside.

There is a comment on that cbc story about how women seeking shelter could possibly be afraid to do so out of fear of being raped. Please show me these unstaffed, unsupervised shelters where this would happen. I'm thinking the likelihood of such a traumatic experience would be heightened on the streets, and not in the shelters.

I'd be interested in talking to other realists over this issue, because so far you either run into the complete 'Get a Job' jerk-guy, or the naive advocate of social rights-guy.

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